Accessed December 11, 2013., USGS Earthquake Magnitude Policy (implemented on January 18, 2002). Was there an initial quake followed by smaller quakes? This opens a new window to Michigan Techs UPSeis informational site about earthquakes and seismology. 0000001604 00000 n In order to determine the location of an earthquake epicenter, seismographs from at least three different places are needed for a particular event. Develop a solution to a technological problem that has the least negative environmental and social impact. 0000079769 00000 n H\0y Locating Earthquake Epicenters | CK-12 Foundation Apr 8, 2020 . Section 8.1 What Is an Earthquake? The USGS now uses the MMS to estimate magnitudes for all modern large earthquakes. and S waves to travel any distance up to HTAn Notify the classroom teacher of technology needs (overhead projector). 0000030968 00000 n It's a logarithmic scale from 1 to 10 with each succeeding level representing 10 times as much energy as the last. 01. What is an earthquake? epicenter, the longer the lag time measured HlRnQ?R\>BjK' seismograph: An instrument that measures motions of the ground, including those of seismic waves generated by earthquakes. Virtual Earthquake (tutorial/simulation) 1996. They make a model of a seismographa measuring device that records an earthquake on a seismogram. !D,X2:azTG)kPT~Mj 4>d w@O'. (Grades 0000001562 00000 n 0000033429 00000 n What data is used to determine magnitude? miles from the epicenter of an A little under 30 seconds, maybe around 26 seconds. 0000002658 00000 n hWmo9+[+UH EkNB|6YiaVJ=cRh7{T1R,5LI1$K=s)XR&87@&$LTPLutlcyNuzjf--\?qaXZM&HM.Eg"HnTqSWqN0&~2kf0 Md|d&:zhe)7I? 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 What is the Students learn how engineers build shake tables that simulate the ground motions of the Earth caused by seismic waves in order to test the seismic performance of buildings. 0000002383 00000 n Three seismographs are needed. determine the epicenter using the S P (S minus P) method. 12), Evaluate ways that technology can impact individuals, society, and the environment. If a quake is far from the seismograph, the P-waves arrive long before the S-waves. The simulation renders three circles on a map and directs students to find the epicenter. Analyze and interpret data on natural hazards to forecast future catastrophic events and inform the development of technologies to mitigate their effects. Follow this simple guide to edit Locating the epicenter of an earthquake worksheet answer key in PDF format online free of charge: Explore all the advantages of our editor right now! (from left to right). Short for "secondary wave" or "shear wave." Finally, the location of the 3 seismographs are placed on a map and the distance to the epicenter is used to draw a circle with an origin at each seismograph and a radius equal to the distance to the epicenter as taken from each seismogram. 12), Analyze and interpret data about natural hazards using direct and indirect evidence travel time for P waves. If you draw a circle on a map around three different seismographs where the radius of each is the distance from that station to the earthquake, the intersection of those three circles is the epicenter. 13. Overhead transparency of each of the handouts, Overhead projector (contact classroom teacher about this) and screen, Optional: overhead transparency or PowerPoint of, What do you know about the causes and impacts of Earthquakes? 0000002094 00000 n The lag time for any Do you agree with this alignment? Mark the first arrival of the swave on each seismogram. THREE SEISMOGRAMS Seismogram A - New York, NY 1 minute 1. This is determined by the P-and S-wave arrival times. Richter magnitude scale: An earthquake measurement scale created in the 1930s to assign a single number to quantify the energy released during earthquakes. endstream endobj 84 0 obj <> endobj 85 0 obj <> endobj 86 0 obj <>stream Use this information to complete the following. technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards. Practice with Triangulation: Locating an earthquake epicenter. Use the graph to answer the questions that follow. important in helping seismologists determine the epicenter of the earthquake. You can also download it, export it or print it out. Next, have student groups answer the eight questions in the. Locating Earthquake Epicenter Lab Answer Key buysms de. Once three seismographs have been located, find the time interval between the arrival of the P-wave and the arrival of the S-wave. Point on Earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus. 0000078100 00000 n triangulation: A method to determine exactly where an earthquake originates. Civil engineers, who design houses, apartment buildings, schools, skyscrapers, bridges, highways, tunnels, water treatment facilities, factories and other structures, may use this data to help them create safer structures that are less likely to sustain damage during earthquakes. Quick Tips. Draw your signature, type it, upload its image, or use your mobile device as a signature pad. The USGS and its partners monitor and report earthquakes, assess earthquake impacts and hazards, and . As the drum rotated, t, pen recorded the arrival of P, S, and surface, between arrival of P and S waves is called, epicenter, the longer the lag time measured, velocity, amplitude, and frequency of the. 1. 0000003991 00000 n to the lag time measured at this location? epicenter: A point on the Earth's surface that is directly above the place where the underground forces of an earthquake originate. HtA1D41`s(GME$Ke*YdEOYf2-:r. Seismic Waves. 0000030240 00000 n 0000008845 00000 n Activity 4: Locating an Earthquake Epicenter Examining Seismograms The three basic types of seismic wave generated by an earthquake at its focus are Pwaves, Swaves, and Surface waves. Earthquakes and Seismic Waves Key Concepts . Fill Locating The Epicenter Of An Earthquake Worksheet Answers, Edit online. I also will take them through the general process of how find the difference in arrival times of p- and s-waves can be used to find a distance to an earthquake and how using data from 3 seismograph stations is used to locate the epicenter. Swaves arrive at the seismic station after the Pwaves. Ch Person/Attorney Filing: - Superior Court - Maricopa County - superiorcourt maricopa. Upload a document. It is called triangulation because a triangle has three sides, and it takes three seismographs to locate an earthquake. Record your answer from Lab Exercise #2, Step 1. 87 0 obj <> endobj xref 87 28 0000000016 00000 n P and S arrivals, you can now locate an earthquake your answers below. Today we will be using a traveltime graph, where the vertical separation between, the P and S curves is equal to the difference in the arrival times between the Pwave, and Swave. One seismogram indicates the distance to the epicenter. Geology Labs On-Line, Department of Geological Sciences, California State University, Los Angeles, CA. Figure 1 is a simplified example of a Privacy Policy, Seismograms from seismic stations in Fresno, CA, Phoenix, AZ, and Las Vegas, NV, A modified travel time curve for S-P wave, A Modified Travel Time Curve for S-P Wave. Conclude the activity with a class discussion (and perhaps homework questions) to share ideas and answers, as described in the Assessment section. d>(ZvO= Earthquakes Living Lab: Finding Epicenters & Measuring Magnitudes. Use this information to complete the following. CH 02 HW - Chapter 2 physics homework for Mastering, Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1, Use a travel-time graph to convert lag time into distance. minutes and P waves 8 minutes to Note the differences in If your seismograph station is For example, longer or shorter). This is determined by the P-and S-wave arrival times. While no one can predict earthquakes, knowing the intensities, frequencies and locations of past earthquakes and fault planes helps us to better anticipate the locations and forces to expect, so we can do our best to prepare our communities and infrastructure to withstand them safely. graph. Looking at the nomogram, students click on each location data point to see where the three lines intersect to read the estimated magnitude. 2. Details. The process is called triangulation. The answer is the San Andreas Fault. In this activity, students use an online simulationVirtual Earthquakethat is accessible through the Earthquakes Living Lab interface, to locate the epicenter of an earthquake by making simple measurement on three seismograms, recordings of an earthquake's seismic waves detected by instruments (seismographs) far away from the earthquake. Copyright USGS In Figure 13.9, there is an example seismogram from a station that includes a minor earthquake. You will analyze the records and locate the earthquake using a method known 1) Identify the general term for waves released from an earthquake. 83 0 obj <> endobj Make arrangements so that each student group has a computer with Internet access. Use of the TeachEngineering digital library and this website constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. If the lag time were measured at a location closer to the epicenter, The period of a wave is the time between two adj, How does the period of the P waves compare to t. Use data from seismograms to locate the epicenters of earthquakes. The vertical lines, spaced one, minute apart, represent the passage of time, (from left to right). Using historical seismographs, engineers forecast the strength or magnitude of earthquakes and make predictions and determine building codes and safety protocols. Subject Areas: %PDF-1.4 % 0000031066 00000 n How do we determine the epicenter of an earthquake? Have students turn in their answers for the Explain portion of the worksheet. Locating Epicenter Lab Worksheet (1).docx, Updating Patient Registration B at 08_10_2022 03_03 PM.pdf, You need to deploy an Azure environment that meets the company migration plan, Step 1 of 2 Program 1 A Simple Python Program Welcome with Two Messages Running, More women in academia report polarization assimilation in male skewed and male, A TACACS B RADIUS C Kerberos D SAML Correct Answer D QUESTION 321 A network, PTSD in Children and Adolescents - Copy - Copy - Copy - Copy.docx, Effects of Excitation and Prime Mover Control The excitation control helps to, D1 Fundamental security design principles.docx, Question 5 Correct Mark 100 out of 100 Remove flag Question 6 Correct Mark 100, Thomas Concurrence broadly attacked current NDD Federal gov should be allowed to, 769 Water at 15C is to be heated to 65C by passing it over a bundle of 4 m. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. If less precision is desired, precede M with a tilde, such as "M ~7" or "magnitude ~6.8.". Expert Answer. Click on New Document and select the file importing option: upload Locating the epicenter of an earthquake worksheet answer key from your device, the cloud, or a protected link. The period of a wave is the time between two adjacent wave peaks. Figure 2 is a seismic wave travel-time Students learn about factors that engineers take into consideration when designing buildings for earthquake-prone regions. A minimum of three seismic stations is necessary to locate an epicenter. The point beneath Earth's surface where rock breaks under stress and causes an earthquake. (, Find the S-P interval for each seismogram and record answers in the S-P column of, Find the distance to the epicenter (in kilometers) from each recording station and record answers in Table 1. This section explains what earthquakes and faults are and what causes earthquakes. In a concluding class discussion, have groups share their ideas about engineering and one new thing they learned about earthquakes. First locate and mark the three seismic stations on the world map provided below. HTn {0,`K6}(J6]&Q^"!q57y_VQ9fp3/?Mc=KGsrrt:c\$Lh`4}>C>`qcSj0[YpZ_Su(322/N Z./$E )H %C[5ph[BUyGh7|!XPQiDjJ(|BNvylk+g;9G(#Aby>Jcf`XmnwtDD+;Z^I&Sb-4!7oi` L7 endstream endobj 78 0 obj <> endobj 79 0 obj <>stream 9 - Introduction: Before student pairs look at the Earthquakes Living Lab, direct them to complete the Engage section of the Finding Epicenters and Measuring Magnitudes Worksheet, which asks them to apply any prior knowledge and/or speculate as to what the Richter magnitude scale is and what an epicenter is. Earth and Space, Physical Science, A process called triangulation uses seismic data from three locations to identify the epicenter of an earthquake.copyrightCopyright USGS HS]o01j6R0iMm4U=wL8]BE< Some places are more prone to earthquakes than others. "`B(R6sj [CX7p+s =#;~ `'kA long will it take, to the nearest 0. minutes, for the first P waves to travel from the epicenter to your station? The distance to the earthquake epicenter is then determined using the "Earthquake P-Wave and S-Wave Travel Time" graph. Apr 8, 2020 One seismogram indicates the distance to the epicenter. Copyright 2023. (i. The wavelength and frequency of a wave are related to one another by the speed of travel of the wave, which depends on the type of wave and the medium through which it is passing. How does the period of the P waves compare to the period of the surface waves? Yw8SxGk}X3kfTfW& gk`41#'uf7"G\fsN4^8jC7[+%`qFLFKpFc What data is used to determine magnitude? Then do the same for the S-wave. 0000001746 00000 n 0000103591 00000 n 11 minutes elapsed between the first P wave and the last measurable surface wave. 0000001978 00000 n hb```b````e``n`d@ A 'EF''oquE"ky#:}m;9JmkPt~=unFHy&|X:70 vILZ*|%6mD! Please answer the following questions using the earthquake video - shake, shake, shake. Based on your answers to the previous question, what is the lag time for locations that are earthquake - shaking and vibration of Earth's surface. 61 33 Moment magnitude scale. inch = 500 km. There are two sets of data and maps to do this activity/ lab for than once. The farther away the epicenter is, the greater the difference . The western U.S. has more faults than the eastern U.S., and therefore the western U.S. has more earthquakes. velocity, amplitude, and frequency of the Download. Question 5 of 22 4.55/ 4.55 Points Questions 5 through 11 are based on Lab Exercise #2: Locating the Epicenter of an Earthquake. Type text, add images, blackout confidential details, add comments, highlights and more. endstream endobj startxref 500p;333aXb3 \a.1. When the tension becomes too great, the fault slips, causing an earthquake.
Florida Man November 21, 2002, Jean Reno House, Articles A